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Environmental management ISO 14001

The introduction of an environmental management system based on the global ISO 14001 standard reflects our commitment to environmental protection in all we do and affects our decisions.

Furthermore, AVA has been certified as an ÖKOPROFIT ® company for sustainable implementation in 2019, in order to firmly integrate the core ideas of sustainability and environmental protection in the daily work of all employees.

ÖKOPROFIT® is a climate protection initiative of the Mettmann district which is funded by the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and a number of well-known regional cooperation partners (Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Trade, District Craftsmen’s Association, German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA), Trade Association, NRW Efficiency Agency).

The central idea behind the project is to create links between economic profit and environmental benefits. Various specific workshops deal with issues such as waste management, water and energy savings, hazardous materials, and business processes.